You are cordially invited to celebrate my 35th birthday, Gathering Light. The On Being interview with Rachel Naomi Remen is the inspiration for the theme. Dr. Remen recounts the story she received from her “flaming mystic” orthodox rabbi grandfather on her fourth birthday. It is the story of the birthday of the world and is synonymous with Tikkun olam (world repair) in Lurianic kabbalah, a major strand of Jewish mysticism.
Excerpt from the transcript:
Dr. Remen: The story of the birthday of the world, yes.
Ms. Tippett: Is that how he told it to you?
Dr. Remen: Yes, exactly.
Ms. Tippett: And how would he describe it?
Dr. Remen: Actually, Krista, this was my fourth birthday present, this story. And if you’d like, I’ll tell it to you.
Ms. Tippett: Yes, do.
Dr. Remen: This is the story of the birthday of the world. In the beginning, there was only the holy darkness, the Ein Sof, the source of life. Then, in the course of history, at a moment in time, this world, the world of a thousand thousand things, emerged from the heart of the holy darkness as a great ray of light. And then, perhaps because this is a Jewish story, there was an accident. [laughs] And the vessels containing the light of the world, the wholeness of the world, broke. And the wholeness in the world, the light of the world, was scattered into a thousand thousand fragments of light. And they fell into all events and all people, where they remain deeply hidden until this very day.
Now, according to my grandfather, the whole human race is a response to this accident. We are here because we are born with the capacity to find the hidden light in all events and all people; to lift it up and make it visible once again and, thereby, to restore the innate wholeness of the world. This is a very important story for our times — that we heal the world one heart at a time. This task is called “tikkun olam” in Hebrew, “restoring the world.”
. . .
Dr. Remen: Tikkun olam is the restoration of the world. And this is, of course, a collective task. It involves all people who have ever been born, all people presently alive, all people yet to be born. We are all healers of the world.
And that story opens a sense of possibility. It’s not about healing the world by making a huge difference. It’s about healing the world that touches you, that’s around you.
Photo Credit: Jonelle Tonkin