The Aftermath of Vows

Precepts/Yamas from Michael Stone’s Preceptions

Ahimsa (non-violence): Recognizing that I am not separate from all living beings. This is the precept of non-harm.

Satya (honesty): Speaking the truth as I perceive it and not deceiving anyone. This is the precept of honesty.

Asteya (not stealing): Being satisfied with what I have. This is the precept of not taking what is not given freely.

Bramacharya (wise use of energy): Encountering all with respect and dignity. This is the precept of chaste conduct.

Aparigraha (non-greed): Using all the ingredients of my life. This is the precept of generosity and non-acquisitiveness.

Two years ago I took vows to the precepts/yamas with Michael Stone and Jen Whitney as witness. I walked out of the room very aware of my humanity, the likelihood that I was about to f*** it up over and over again. And that I would return to the vows, the practice. The vows felt like shores to bump against, boundaries. The shores are obvious and evident. It’s the approach to the shores that requires discernment - that slippery slope that goes unnoticed until that pivotal moment when it comes into awareness. The cultivation of clarity and discernment are of interest to me lately. I caution myself against pursuing these to achieve perfection (an familiar pattern) and rather to be present and available to life as it is, in this moment. Especially those super messy moments. How can we be in our life and open to every possible moment? Stay with it.

I am in no rush.

Jennifer Samore